About Us


Chinchilla Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. (CCCI) was established in 2009 upon the amalgamation of the Chinchilla Chamber of Commerce and the Chinchilla Economic & Tourism Development Association.

With over 200 active members from local businesses, community groups and individuals, the CCCI’s board of dedicated volunteers is committed to ensuring all regional resources are used wisely and sustainably, and that the region receives its fair share of the wealth created from those resources.

Consequently, the CCCI communicates not just with its members, but also local, state, and federal governments, and collaborates with other organisations to achieve positive results, underpinned by its continued objective of innovative and inspirational leadership.

CCCI is the one voice for Chinchilla on all issues affecting the interests of a community that includes business and industry, social, sporting, and recreational groups, community organisations, and individuals. The stronger the voice, the greater the impact!

Grow Your Business

Ensure your business reaches its full potential and join the CCCI today to take advantage of the support, connections, and programs the CCCI offers.

CCCI Board Members

Louise McMahon

Louise is the 2024 President of the CCCI.

Louise McMahon has been an active member of the CCCI for many years through her various businesses in Chinchilla. Five years ago, she joined the Board and has been excited to add value to the team and watch the group grow and succeed in its core goals of prosperity, connections and liveability in Chinchilla.

Louise’s interest in CCCI stems from wanting to see regional communities have the best opportunities as their city counterparts and believes that today’s technology has given great capacity to regional business. Furthermore, she holds an interest in continuously learning and upskilling and again sees regional careers as being on par if not more rewarding and providing greater learning capacity than those restricted to the cities.

Louise has worked for a variety of businesses from multinational owner/operators to contracting companies. Her background has focused on financial analytics, compliance and head office reporting. In 2010, she and her husband Greg moved to Chinchilla upon purchase of Keith Crawley’s Industrial and Rural Suppliers store. Over the next nearly nine years, they nearly tripled the business and started an additional maintenance business, MFE. In 2018, they sold Keith Crawley’s locally and took on a growth phase for MFE. Today, MFE boasts an impressive list of clients and plays an active and highly regarded role in the community through its many affiliations to subgroups and sponsorship and commits to its employees living locally with their families. Louise and her family are proud to call Chinchilla home and look forward to the exciting future the region has ahead.


Shannon McDermott

Board Member

Shannon McDermott is the 2022 Vice-President of the CCCI and brings to the role a mix of leadership skills, business knowledge and old-fashioned values. Shannon has a strong desire to see the CCCI team successfully driving economic growth for our members by linking them with opportunities within our region, he believes information is the key to business success and sharing information with members as well as having members actively sharing information in return will ensure our businesses are best positioned to prosper into the future.

Shannon’s career has seen him working as a Blacksmith, Farmhand, Marine Technician in the Royal Australian Navy to Various roles within the Hydraulic and Industrial sector.

Shannon has a rural upbringing spending his early years in remote South Australian locations like Oodnadatta & Parachilna followed by a move to Millmerran, QLD where he spent his teenage and early adult years.

Shannon is currently the Managing Director of ENZED Surat Basin which he and his wife Tanya started in Chinchilla in Late 2010.

Having spent the 9 years prior working in the Hydraulic industry in Toowoomba Shannon saw a great opportunity to get back to a rural lifestyle and he really liked the diverse opportunities that Chinchilla offered. Shannon believes understanding your customers’ needs combined with providing high-quality service with old-fashioned values is what ensures business success. ENZED Surat Basin is your Hydraulic & Industrial hose & fitting specialist servicing the Agricultural, Automotive, Civil, Mining & CSG industries across the Western Downs and Maranoa. ENZED Surat Basin employs 8 Full Time Staff all whom reside in Chinchilla and have two Mobile hose Doctors residing in Roma. Shannon has spent 2 years with the CCCI as a board member prior to taking on the role as President!

Shannon looks forward to working with other local businesses and community groups to improve the prosperity & liveability of the region.

ENZED Surat Basin

Matthew Burke


Matthew Burke is the Treasurer of the Chinchilla Community Commerce and Industry (CCCI). Matthew brings with him the life experiences of being a family man, working on a farm, spending countless hours on tractors, working cattle, chipping cotton, loading melons; all the day-to-day activities of growing up and living in a rural community.

Matthew became Director of EnVision Partners in 1997, he brings to the CCCI 21 years of experience in running his own business. This, combined with over 26 years of assisting customers, has provided Matthew with a wealth of knowledge and experience that he can apply to our local community growth.

Having seen the results of poor advice, Matthew is passionate about ensuring that members of the CCCI are not working hard for nothing, but working smarter. He also knows how to help individuals recover from bad advice and protect their hard-earned prosperity. Significantly, Matthew’s advice is based on a life of experience, not just “theory and numbers”.

Matthew’s passion lies in assisting individuals with their personal planning. Matt has great understanding and experience in providing advice and planning with life’s

“other challenges” including death, separations, succession planning and estate planning. He sees his role as not being just about taxation and business planning, but as an advisor, ensuring people can enjoy and protect their life’s hard work.

As current Vice President of the Chinchilla Community Commerce and Industry, his position is a way of reaching out to local businesses to ensure they receive the best assistance.

Envision Partners

Robyn Haig

Vice President

Robyn joined the CCCI in 2016 and as Manager she was responsible for the day-to-day operations of Chinchilla Community Commerce & Industry. Currently, she works as Director for the Regional Development Australia ( Darling Downs South West) and has been elected by the Chamber Board as Vice President. Robyn previously held roles in Queensland Government Departments of Natural Resources and Primary Industries, animal production Agriculture, Regional Natural resource Management, Local Government (Tourism & Community Development), Domestic and International Drilling organisations and local Civil Construction before coming to the CCCI.

Robyn, along with her family relocated to Chinchilla from South West Queensland in 2008 and is dedicated to working to ensure the long-term strength of the Chinchilla economy and community. She has a particular focus on procurement and ensuring local content for major projects in the region along with building local business capacity and resilience.

During her time at the CCCI Robyn has focused on connection and information sharing with Chinchilla Community Commerce & Industry Inc. Members, Stakeholders and community


Nick King

Board Member

Nick initially came to Chinchilla  for work in 2009, Nick worked in a variety of roles in the region before settling permanently in Chinchilla with his partner in 2018. Through involvement with the CCCI as a Board Member and later as the President, Nick is hoping to provide improved opportunities to local businesses with the view that we can build and maintain a thriving and resilient local economy.

Nick commenced his career & technical trade with the RAAF and has since worked in various technical and business roles in the Electrical, Instrumentation, Communications & Compliance fields. The last ten years have been spent predominantly in Oil & Gas roles working across a number of roles for the client, major contractors, and smaller local contractors.

Currently, Nick is a small business owner and is focused on bringing technical services and products to our region and developing opportunities for locals to learn technical skills. Nick has a passion for ensuring the success of local businesses and assists local businesses with client tenders and pre-qualifications. Nick is also the current President of the Chinchilla RSL Memorial Club.


Jenny Acton


Gerard Belgrove

Board Member