Chinchilla Community Commerce & Industry is committed to helping your business reach its full potential.

EnVision Partners | Business Consultants & Accountants

Join us for the “EnVision Partners | Business Consultants & Accountants” event on the following dates:

• Wednesday, August 7
• Wednesday, September 4
• Wednesday, October 2
• Wednesday, November 6

Click HERE for more information!


Become A Chinchilla Chamber Member

CCCI advocates on behalf of its members to Government, Industry, and Community CCCI runs events and programs exclusive to members. These include the annual “Use Your Melon Buy Local” campaign that takes place in the lead up to Christmas, and the year-round “Community Spirit” voucher program that supports local retailers.
Members also receive the CCCI Newsletter with up-to-date information and insights.

Join the Chinchilla Community Commerce & Industry and

Gain access to valuable industry insights and expertise

Be supported by like-minded business owners and leaders

Benefit from events, programs and initiatives that help grow your business

CCCI Memberships

The Chinchilla Chamber offers a wide variety of memberships to suit you and your business.

Not for Profit




Business 1-3 Staff (FTE)


Business 4-10 Staff (FTE)


Programs & Events

Annual CCCI Events


About Us

Chinchilla Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. (CCCI) was established in 2009 as an amalgamation of the Chinchilla Chamber of Commerce and the Chinchilla Economic and Tourism Development Association. We now have over 200 members from local businesses, community groups, and individuals. Our board of dedicated volunteers is committed to working to ensure that all the resources of the region are used wisely and sustainably wherever possible and that the region receives a fair share of the wealth created from those resources. To this end, we constantly communicate not only with our members but also with local, state, and federal governments, collaborate and cooperate with other organizations to achieve positive results, and strive for innovative and inspirational leadership. CCCI is the one ‘voice’ for Chinchilla on all issues affecting the interests of business and industry, social, sporting, and recreational groups, community organizations, and individuals. And the stronger the voice, the more we will be heard.

Supported by

Grow Your Business

Ensure your business reaches its full potential and join the CCCI today to take advantage of the support, connections, and programs the CCCI offers.

Strategic plan

CCCI releases new 5 Year Strategic Plan

After extensive consultation through workshops and surveys with its members, community, council, and schools, the Chinchilla Community Commerce & Industry Inc Board were able to identify a compelling vision for Chinchilla over the next 20 years, and in 2021 presented that vision in its Five-Year Strategic Plan.